If you often find yourself only being able to screen print a few ts-shirts at a time before having to stop and clean off the plastisol ink, then this article is for you. We have listed 8 excellent tips on how to prevent t-shirt ink build up from ocurring.

8 Ways to Reduce Plastisol Ink build up

Use these 8 tips in order to get the most out of Multi-Tech's screen printing plastisol inks and reduce plastisol ink build up.

    • Wipe Multi-Techs Thinner PL sparingly on the underside of the screen.

    • Print with properly tensioned screens. High - tension stretch with as fine a mesh as possible (monofilament).

    • Reduce off-contact and squeegee pressure.

    • Use sharp, hard squeegee (70- Durometer) with reduced angle.

    • Reduce ink viscosity with Multi-Techs Thinner DT and/or MSB-100 Clear/ Soft - Hand Extender.

    • Add Multi-Tech thickener paste, 1% - 3%.

    • Adjust squeegee speed.

    • Avoid overlapping color on color. But - register your artwork when possible.

Lawson Screen and Digital's eStore is equipped with an array of plastisol ink tools to aid you in your shop.